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Henry M. Levy
First name(s): Henry M.
Last name(s): Levy

Publications of Henry M. Levy sorted by recency
Supporting Fine-Grained Synchronization on a Simultaneous Multithreading Processor, Dean M. Tullsen, Jack L. Lo, Susan J. Eggers and Henry M. Levy, in: HPCA '99: Proceedings of the IEEE 5th International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, pages 54, IEEE Computer Society, 1999
Simultaneous multithreading: maximizing on-chip parallelism, Dean M. Tullsen, Susan J. Eggers and Henry M. Levy, in: ISCA '95: Proceedings of the 22th annual international symposium on Computer architecture, S. Margherita Ligure, Italy, pages 392--403, ACM Press, 1995
Exploiting choice: instruction fetch and issue on an implementable simultaneous multithreading processor, Dean M. Tullsen, Susan J. Eggers, Joel S. Emer, Henry M. Levy, Jack L. Lo and Rebecca L. Stamm, in: ISCA '96: Proceedings of the 23th annual international symposium on Computer architecture, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, pages 191--202, ACM Press, 1996
Tuning compiler optimizations for simultaneous multithreading, Jack L. Lo, Susan J. Eggers, Henry M. Levy, Sujay S. Parekh and Dean M. Tullsen, in: MICRO 30: Proceedings of the 30th annual ACM/IEEE international symposium on Microarchitecture, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, United States, pages 114--124, IEEE Computer Society, 1997