Brad Calder
First name(s): Brad
Last name(s): Calder

Publications of Brad Calder sorted by recency
Accelerating and Adapting Precomputation Threads for Effcient Prefetching, Weifeng Zhang, Dean M. Tullsen and Brad Calder, in: HPCA '07: Proceedings of the IEEE 13th International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, pages 85--95, IEEE Computer Society, 2007
A Self-Repairing Prefetcher in an Event-Driven Dynamic Optimization Framework, Weifeng Zhang, Brad Calder and Dean M. Tullsen, in: CGO '06: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, pages 50--64, IEEE Computer Society, 2006
Balanced Multithreading: Increasing Throughput via a Low Cost Multithreading Hierarchy, Eric Tune, Rakesh Kumar, Dean M. Tullsen and Brad Calder, in: MICRO 37: Proceedings of the 37th annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, Portland, Oregon, pages 183--194, IEEE Computer Society, 2004
Exploiting Fine-Grained Data Parallelism with Chip Multiprocessors and Fast Barriers, Jack Sampson, Ruben Gonzalez, Jean-Francois Collard, Norman P. Jouppi, Mike Schlansker and Brad Calder, in: MICRO 39: Proceedings of the 39th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, pages 235--246, IEEE Computer Society, 2006
Pointer cache assisted prefetching, Jamison D. Collins, Suleyman Sair, Brad Calder and Dean M. Tullsen, in: MICRO 35: Proceedings of the 35th annual ACM/IEEE international symposium on Microarchitecture, Istanbul, Turkey, pages 62--73, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2002