Seungryul Choi
First name(s): Seungryul
Last name(s): Choi

Publications of Seungryul Choi sorted by recency
Multi-Chain Prefetching: Effective Exploitation of Inter-Chain Memory Parallelism for Pointer-Chasing Codes, Nicholas Kohout, Seungryul Choi, Dongkeun Kim and Donald Yeung, in: PACT '01: Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Parallel architectures and compilation techniques, pages 268--279, IEEE Computer Society, 2001
Optimizing SMT Processors for High Single-Thread Performance, Gautham K. Dorai, Donald Yeung and Seungryul Choi (2003), in: The Journal of Instruction-Level Parallelism, 5
Learning-Based SMT Processor Resource Distribution via Hill-Climbing, Seungryul Choi and Donald Yeung, in: ISCA '06: Proceedings of the 33rd annual international symposium on Computer Architecture, pages 239--251, IEEE Computer Society, 2006