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{Xen2MX:} Towards High-performance communication in the Cloud
Type of publication: Inproceedings
Citation: nanos12vhpc
Booktitle: 7th Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing (VHPC '12)
Year: 2012
Month: August
Address: Rhodes Island, Greece
Abstract: Efficient VM communication in Cloud computing infrastructures is an important aspect of deploying HPC applications in a cluster of VMs. In this paper we present Xen2MX, a high-performance messaging protocol, binary compatible with Myrinet/MX and wire compatible with MXoE. Its design is based on MX and its port over generic ethernet adapters, Open-MX. Xen2MX presents enhanced programming abstractions, combining the zero-copy characteristics of Open-MX with Xen's memory sharing techniques, in order to construct the most efficient data path for high-performance communication, achievable with software techniques. Experimental evaluation of our initial prototype implementation shows that round-trip latency can be reduced to as much as half compared to the generic case of using bridged ethernet adapters.
Authors Nanos, Anastassios
Koziris, Nectarios
Added by: [NAN]
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