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Dynamic run-time architecture techniques for enabling continuous optimization
Type of publication: Inproceedings
Citation: moseley05continuous
Booktitle: CF '05: Proceedings of the 2nd conference on Computing frontiers
Year: 2005
Pages: 211--220
Publisher: ACM Press
Location: Ischia, Italy
Address: New York, NY, USA
ISBN: 1-59593-019-1
DOI: 10.1145/1062261.1062296
Keywords: hyperthreading, scheduling, smt
Authors Moseley, Tipp
Shye, Alex
Reddi, Vijay Janapa
Iyer, Matthew
Fay, Dan
Hodgdon, David
Kihm, Joshua L.
Settle, Alex
Grunwald, Dirk
Connors, Daniel A.
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