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OPIOM: off-processor IO with Myrinet
Type of publication: Inproceedings
Citation: geoffray01opiom
Booktitle: Cluster Computing and the Grid, 2001. Proceedings. First IEEE/ACM International Symposium on
Volume: ""
Number: ""
Year: 2001
Pages: 261 -268
ISSN: ""
DOI: 10.1109/ccgrid.2001.923202
Keywords: cluster computing, communication network, datasets, dedicated storage area network, embedded memory, Fiber Channel, high performance IO, high performance storage sub-systems, host overhead, input-output programs, kernel level, Myrinet, Myrinet interface, off-processor IO, OPIOM, parallel file-system community, parallel programming, peripheral interfaces, regular IO design, remote node, SCSI disks, storage network, workstation clusters
Authors Geoffray, P.
Added by: [NAN]
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