Milind Girkar
First name(s): Milind
Last name(s): Girkar

Publications of Milind Girkar
Lightweight lock-free synchronization methods for multithreading, Arun Kejariwal, Hideki Saito, Xinmin Tian, Milind Girkar, Wel Li, Utpal Banerjee, Alexandru Nicolau and Constantine D. Polychronopoulos, in: ICS '06: Proceedings of the 20th annual international conference on Supercomputing, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, pages 361--371, ACM, 2006
Physical Experimentation with Prefetching Helper Threads on Intel's Hyper-Threaded Processors, Dongkeun Kim, Steve Shih-wei Liao, Perry H. Wang, Juan del Cuvillo, Xinmin Tian, Xiang Zou, Hong Wang, Donald Yeung, Milind Girkar and John P. Shen, in: CGO '04: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, Palo Alto, California, pages 27, IEEE Computer Society, 2004
Exploring the Use of Hyper-Threading Technology for Multimedia Applications with Intel OpenMP Compiler, Xinmin Tian, Yen-Kuang Chen, Milind Girkar, Steven Ge, Rainer Lienhart and Sanjiv Shah, in: IPDPS '03: Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, pages 36.1, IEEE Computer Society, 2003