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Inter-domain Socket Communications Supporting High Performance and Full Binary Compatibility on Xen
Type of publication: Inproceedings
Citation: kim2008sockets
Booktitle: Proceedings of the Fourth ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments
Series: VEE '08
Year: 2008
Pages: 11--20
Publisher: ACM
Location: Seattle, WA, USA
Address: New York, NY, USA
ISBN: 978-1-59593-796-4
DOI: 10.1145/1346256.1346259
Userfields: numpages={10}, acmid={1346259},
Keywords: High performance, socket binary compatibility, socket interface, virtual machine, Xen
Authors Kim, Kangho
Kim, Chei-Yol
Jung, Sung-In
Shin, Hyun-Sup
Kim, Jin-Soo
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