name="Grid4All" |
- Apply advanced application frameworks for collaborative data sharing applications executing in dynamic environments;
- Capitalize on Grids as revenue generating sources to implement utility models of computing but using resources on the Internet.
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| Grid4All will help to bring global computing to the broader society beyond that of academia and large enterprises by providing an opportunity to small organisations and individuals to reap the cost benefit of resource sharing without however the burdens of management, security, and administration.
The consortium will demonstrate this by applying Grid4All in two different application domains: collaborative tools for e-learning targeting schools and digital content processing applications targeting residential users. |
WP3: Data Storage |
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| The Grid4All usage scenarios, centred on collaboration and utility computing for communities, small enterprises and individuals call for simple, secure and resilient access to shared data. Distributed access to shared data may occur on a large scale. Applications such as multimedia, collaboration tools and e-learning systems have specific and non-traditional storage needs. Furthermore, the storage mechanisms need to be adapted to the VO concept and to run above the large-scale, dynamic, heterogeneous environment of Grid4All.
Within the Grid4All structure, WP3 provides data services constructed using self-managing software framework provided by WP1. Work performed within WP3 plan to implement a distributed file service for a large scale heterogeneous Grid and to export a storage infrastructure built upon secure site-wide storage pools. It is also planned to federate views exported from different organisations into a unified file system for a Virtual Organisation across management domains. Finally a semantic storage architecture will be explored for a collaborative work and at large scale. |
-- ArisSotiropoulos - 04 Mar 2008
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