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P2P Networks and Distributed Systems

Peer-to-peer networks are distributed systems, where all participating entities both provide and utilize services to/from each other. Our research in P2P covers both unstructured and structured architectures (Distributed Hash Tables - DHTs).



Data redundancy in DHTs is commonly accomplished through automatic replication of values to a set of close participating nodes. Such copies, once written, should not be modified, as there is no inherent DHT function that can operate on a dynamic set of mutable replicas. To this end, we have designed and implemented XOROS - a system based on the Kademlia routing scheme, that addresses the problem by implementing a Byzantine-tolerant protocol for serializable data updates directly at the peer-to-peer level. Based upon related works that study distributed replica synchronization, mutual exclusion and communication in the presence of Byzantine behavior, we propose a unified DHT-based algorithm, that ties corresponding practices together in order to consistently propagate changes to all primary replicas of any key-value pair stored in the network. A multitude of applications may benefit from the resulting distributed read/write storage substrate as it retains all the advanced features of DHTs and is backwards compatible with existing put/get semantics.

More info at: http://xoros.cslab.ece.ntua.gr


  • A. Chazapis and N. Koziris, "XOROS: A mutable Distributed Hash Table," in Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Databases, Information Systems and Peer-to-Peer Computing (DBISP2P 2007), Vienna, Austria, September 2007 [pdf]
  • A. Zissimos, K. Doka, A. Chazapis and N. Koziris, "GridTorrent: Optimizing data transfers in the Grid with collaborative sharing," in Proceedings of the 11th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI2007), Patras, Greece, May 2007 [pdf]
  • A. Chazapis, A. Zissimos, N. Koziris and P. Tsanakas, "Replica management services on the Grid: Evolving from a centralized design to a fully distributed, scalable and fault-tolerant peer-to-peer infrastructure," in Grid Technologies: Emerging from Distributed Architectures to Virtual Organizations, edited by M. P. Bekakos and G. A. Gravvanis, pp. 107-138, 2006, WIT Press, ISBN: 1-84564-055-1 [link]
  • A. Chazapis, A. Zissimos and N. Koziris, "A peer-to-peer replica management service for high-throughput Grids," in Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP05), Oslo, Norway, June 2005 [pdf]
  • A. Chazapis and N. Koziris, "Storing and locating mutable data in structured P2P overlay networks," in Proceedings of the 10th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI2005), Volos, Greece, November 2005 [pdf]
XOR Object Store (or XOROS for short) is a structured peer-to-peer system (Distributed Hash Table) designed with data updates in mind. Most current DHT implementations require that data values, once written, should not be modified. XOROS addresses this issue, by incorporating related distributed mutex and Byzantine-tolerant communication protocols at the peer-to-peer level.
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