---+ <nop>GridNEWS: A distributed Grid platform for efficient storage, annotating, indexing and searching of large audiovisual news content ---++ Overview <nop>GridNEWS is research project funded by the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology. The main project objectives are: * Keyword extraction from video files using automatic speech recognition algorithms (ASR) * Efficient and scalable distributed storage of large media content * Indexing of extracted metadata for efficient keyword search * <nop>YouTube like user interface for video searching/downloading Our team, as Grid technology experts, has designed and is developing middleware to support execution and storage requirements of CPU/Data intensive Speech Recognition Algorithms. <br /> The middleware is combining peer to peer and grid technologies to provide a scalable and robust distributed platform that can cope with the requirements posed by the speech recognition application. <br /> The middleware can be used for any cpu/data intensive application. ---++ People * [[http://www.cslab.ntua.gr/%7Eikons/][Ioannis Konstantinou]] * [[http://www.cslab.ntua.gr/%7Egoumas/][Georgios Goumas]] * [[http://www.cslab.ntua.gr/%7Egkoufoud/][Georgios Koufoudakis]] * [[http://www.cslab.ntua.gr/%7Eaasiki/][Athanasia Asiki]] ---++ Publications * D. Dimitriadis, A. Metallinou, I. Konstantinou, G. Goumas, P. Maragos and N. Koziris: *GRIDNEWS: A Distributed Automatic Greek Broadcast Transcriptions System.* _Proc. of IEEE Intern. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP-09,_ Taipei, Taiwan, March 2009. (to appear). ---++ Presentations * I. Konstantinou,G. Koufoudakis, G. Goumas A. Asiki and N. Koziris *"GRIDNEWS : A distributed Grid platform for efficient storage, annotating, indexing and searching of large audiovisual news content"*. _1st <nop>HellasGrid User Forum_, Athens, Greece,10-11 January 2008 [[http://www.hellasgrid.gr/engine/index.php?op=modload&modname=Calendar&action=calendarviewfile&ctn=Calendar_HellasGridForum-Gridnews_el.ppt&language=el][[ppt]]]
This topic: CSLab
Topic revision: r2 - 2009-02-24 - IoannisKonstantinou
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