GridNEWS: A distributed Grid platform for efficient storage, annotating, indexing and searching of large audiovisual news content
GridNEWS is research project funded by the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology.
The main project objectives are:
- Keyword extraction from video files using automatic speech recognition algorithms (ASR)
- Efficient and scalable distributed storage of large media content
- Indexing of extracted metadata for efficient keyword search
- YouTube like user interface for video searching/downloading
Our team, as Grid technology experts, has designed and is developing middleware to support execution and storage requirements of CPU/Data intensive Speech Recognition Algorithms.
The middleware is combining peer to peer and grid technologies to provide a scalable and robust distributed platform that can cope with the requirements posed by the speech recognition application.
The middleware can be used for any cpu/data intensive application.
- I. Konstantinou,G. Koufoudakis, G. Goumas A. Asiki and N. Koziris "GRIDNEWS : A distributed Grid platform for efficient storage, annotating, indexing and searching of large audiovisual news content". 1st HellasGrid User Forum, Athens, Greece,10-11 January 2008 [ppt