---+ !PDSG Research ---++ Parallel, High-Performance Systems We are interested in how advances in technology and architecture can lead to better performance in parallel, high-perfomance systems. The main focus of our work is to develop optimizations for applications, ranging from extremely parallel ones (e.g. !SPMV) to inherently serial ones (e.g. Dijkstra's algorithm). These applications are studied on a variety of systems, like PC clusters, multicore and multithread platforms as well as emerging architectures like GPGPUs and the Cell B/E. At the same time we are also looking at the underlying hardware structures and we try to improve their performance. In this context, current research efforts range from algorithms for resource (e.g. caches) partitioning between multiple cores to the development of efficient I/O and scheduling techniques. * *Parallel Applications* * [[SPMV][Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication]] * [[StencilComputations][Stencil Computations]] * Graph Algorithms * *Parallelizing for Multicore Platforms* * Transactional Memory * Helper Threading * [[EmergingArchitectures][Emerging Architectures]] * *Architecture* * [[CMPCaches][Cache Partitioning]] * [[SMTProcessors][Thread Synchronization]] * *Interconnection Networks* * MemBUS * [[Gmblock][gmblock]] * [[Virt][Virtualized I/O]] ---+++ Acknowledgements _Research in these areas is performed using *Simics*, running on an academic site license kindly provided by [[http://www.virtutech.com][Virtutech]]. *Intel Hellas* has generously contributed to the infrastructure of our group._ ---++ Distributed Systems * *Grid Computing* * GridTorrent * [[GREDIA]] * [[Grid4All]] * GridNews * *P2P Networks* * HiPPIS * [[PASSItONPASSION][PASSION Project]] * [[XOROS]] * BrownDwarf ------------- %INCLUDE{"CSLabPeople"}%
This topic: CSLab
Topic revision: r27 - 2009-07-03 - KaterinaDoka
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