Ioannis Konstantinou is an Associate Professor in the Informatics and Telecommunications Department of the University of Thessaly where he regularly teaches Operating Systems and Programming courses. He is also a senior researcher at the Computing Systems Laboratory of the National Technical University of Athens where he also teaches Advanced Topics In Databases. Ioannis Konstantinou currently serves as a Member of the Board of Directors of KTP SA.
He received his Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from National Techinical University of Athens (NTUA) in 2004, his M.Sc. in Techno-Economic Systems from NTUA in 2007 and his PhD from NTUA in 2011.
His research interests lie in the field of large scale distributed data management systems (Cloud Computing and Big-Data systems). He has co-authored more than 54 papers in top-tier peer-reviewed conferences and journals in the Database (i.e., SIGMOD, ICDE, IEEE BigData) and Systems (i.e, ACM SoCC, CCGRID, IEEE TPDS, etc.) domains with according to Google Scholar. He is the recipient of one Best Paper Award (IEEE CCGRID 2013) and one Best Paper Award Nomination (IEEE CCGRID 2015) for his work on large scale distributed systems.
He has served in the program committee of more than 19 prestigious conferences (ACM SIGMOD, IEEE/ACM CCgrid, ACM CIKM, CLOSER, etc.). He has worked in the proposal preparation, the technical coordination, the design and the development of numerous EU and GR funded research projects (E2Data, SELIS, CELAR, ARCOMEM, Modissense, CLARIN-El, StratusLab etc.).
Address: University of Thessaly, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, Lamia, Greece
Office Location: Room 231
Phone: +30 22310 60250