______________George K. Papakonstantinou, Professor Emeritus______________
- Multi-output, multi-level, multi-gate design using non-linear programming, A. Dimopoulos, C. Pavlatos G. Papakonstantinou, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, April 2022, https://doi.org/10.1002/cta.3300.
- Logic design using modules and nonlinear integer programming, C. Pavlatos, A. Dimopoulos and G. Papakonstantinou, Journal of Circuit, Systems and Computers, Vol. 29 No. 10, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1142/s0218126620501649.
- A nonlinear integer programming approach for the minimization of Boolean expressions, K. Papakonstantinou, G. Papakonstantinou, Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers, Vol. 27, No. 10, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218126618501633.
- Hardware inexact grammar parser, A. Dimopoulos, C. Pavlatos, G. Papakonstantinou,International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 31, No. 11, 2017, https://doi.org/10.1142/S021800141759025X.
- Exclusive or sum of complex terms expressions minimization, G. Papakonstantinou, INTEGRATION, the VLSI journal, Vol. 56, Jan. 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.vlsi.2016.08.005.
- Parallal hardware stochastic context-free parsers, C. Pavlatos, A. Dimopoulos,G. Papakonstantinou, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 30 No. 4, Jan. 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0218001416500087.
- A general purpose branch and bound parallel algorithm, A. Dimopoulos, C. Pavlatos, G. Papakonstantinou, 24th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel Distributed, and Network-based Processing, PDP 2016, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 2016.
- ESCT minimization for incompletely specified functions, M. Kalathas, D. Voudouris, G. Papakonstantinou, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, 19 (5-6): 379-403,2012.
- Exact ESOP Expressions for Incompletely Specified Functions, M. Sampson, M. Kalathas, D. Voudouris, G. Papakonstantinou, Integration, the VLSI Journal, 45 (2): 197-204), 2012.
- Towards the Optimal Synchronization Granularity for Dynamic Scheduling of Pipelined Computations on Heterogeneous Computing Systems, I. Riakiotakis, F. Ciorba, T. Andronikos, G. Papakonstantinou, A. Chronopoulos, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 24 (18): 2302-2327, 2012.
- Distributed Dynamic Load Balancing for Pipelined Computations on Heterogeneous Systems, I. Riakiotakis, F. Ciorba, T. Andronikos, G. Papakonstantinou, Parallel Computing, 37 (10-11): 713-729, 2011.
- A Platform for the Automatic Generation of Attribute Evaluation Hardware Systems, A. Dimopoulos, C. Pavlatos, G. Papakonstantinou, Computer Languages Systems and Structures, 36 (2): 203-222, 2010.
- Using Simple Disjoint Decomposition to Perform Secure Computations, M. Sampson, D. Voudouris, G. Papakonstantinou, Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers, 7 (7): 1559-1569, 2010.
- Studying the Impact of Synchronization Frequency on Scheduling Tasks with Dependencies in Heterogeneous Systems, F. Ciorba, I. Riakiotakis, T. Andronikos, G. Papakonstantinou, A. Chronopoulos, Performance Evaluation, 67 (12): 1324-1339, 2010.
- Efficient Reconfigurable Embedded Parsers, C. Pavlatos, A. Dimopoulos, G. Papakonstantinou, Computer Languages Systems and Structures, 35 (2): 196-215 JUL 2009.
- Utilization of Variable Reordering in Quantum ESCT Minimization, M. Sampson, D. Voudouris, G. Papakonstantinou, HERMCA 2009, Athens, 2009. It has also been published in the HERMIS Journal, Vol.11:33-39,2009.
- A Hardware Multi-Pass Attribute Grammar Evaluator, C. Pavlatos, A. Dimopoulos, G. Papakonstantinou, HERMCA 2009, Athens, 2009.
- TELIOS: A Tool for the Automatic Generation of Logic Programming Machines, A. Dimopoulos, C. Pavlatos, G. Papakonstantinou, 5th IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications & Innovations, AIAI 2009, Thessaloniki, 2009.
- A Formal Method for Rapid SoC Prototyping, C. Pavlatos, A. Dimopoulos, G. Papakonstantinou, 20th IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping, Paris, 2009.
- CRONUS: A platform for parallel code generation based on computational geometry methods, T. Andronikos, F. Ciorba, P. Theodoropoulos, D. Kamenopoulos, G. Papakonstantinou, Journal of Systems and Software, 81 (8):1389-1405, Aug.2008.
- Enhancing self-scheduling algorithms via synchronization and weighting, F. Ciorba, T. Andronikos, I. Riakiotakis, G. Papakonstantinou, A. Chronopoulos, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Journal of Paralleland Distributed Computing, 68 (2):246-264, Feb. 2008.
- Exact ESCT minimization for functions of up to six variables, D. Voudouris, M. Sampson, G. Papakonstantinou, Integration, the VLSI Journal, accepted Integration-The VLSI Journal, 41 (1): 87-105, Jan. 2008.
- A Quantum Algorithm for Finding Minimal Exclusive-Or Expressions for Incompletely Specified Boolean Functions, M. Sampson, D. Voudouris, M. Kalathas, G. Papakonstantinou, HERMIS Journal, Vol. 10:6-12, 2008.
- A Generic Platform for the SoC Implementation of Grammar-Based Applications, A. Dimopoulos, C. Pavlatos, P. Karanasou, G. Papakonstantinou, IFIP/IEEE VLSI-SoC 2008, Rhodes, 2008.
- Hardware Embedded System on a Chip for the Normal ECG Recognition, A. Dimopoulos, C. Pavlatos, G. Papakonstantinou, NBC-2008, Latvia, 2008.
- Implementation of Dynamic Loop Scheduling in Reconfigurable Platforms, I. Riakiotakis, G. Papakonstantinou, A. Chronopoulos, 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, France, 2008.
- Finding Minimal ESCT Expressions for Boolean Functions with Weight of Up to 7, D Voudouris, M. Sampson, G. Papakonstantinou, The 2008 International Conference on Computer Design, CDES'08, Las Vegas, 2008.
- A Quantum Algorithm for Finding Minimum Exclusive-Or Expressions for Multi-Output Incompletely Specified Boolean Functions, M. Sampson, D. Voudouris, G. Papakonstantinou, The 2008 International Conference on Computer Design, CDES'08, Las Vegas, 2008.
- Secure Computations in Minimal Model Using Simple ESCT Decomposition", M. Sampson, D. Voudouris,G. Papakonstantinou, SoftCOM 2008, Croatia, 2008.
- Adaptive cyclic scheduling of nested loops, F. Ciorba, T. Andronikos, G. Papakonstantinou, HERMIS Journal, Vol.8:69-76, 2007.
- A Flexible General-Purpose Parallelizing Architecture for Nested Loops in Reconfigurable Platforms, Ioannis Panagopoulos, George Manis and George Papakonstantinou, PATMOS 2007, Sweeden, 2007.
- Hardware Solution of a First-Order Diophantine Equation, Christos Pavlatos, Ioannis Panagopoulos, Alexandros Dimopoulos and George Papakonstantinou, HERCMA 2007, Athens, 2007.
- Variable Reordering for Reversible Wave Cascades, Dimitrios Voudouris, Marinos Sampson and George Papakonstantinou, HERCMA 2007, Athens, 2007.
- A Quantum Algorithm for finding Minimum Exclusive-Or Expressions for incompletely specified Boolean Functions, M. Sampson, D. Voudouris, M. Kalathas, G. Papakonstantinou, HERMCA 2007, Athens, 2007.
- Profiling information for the identification of the interdependent hardware components of an application-specific computing system G. Manis, I. Panagopoulos, G. Papakonstantinou, IADIS International Conference Applied Computing 2007, Salamanca, Spain, 2007.
- AMPLE:Automatic mapping of algorithms for embedded systems, I. Panagopoulos. A. Dimopoulos, G.Manis, G. Papakonstantinou, PCI2007, Patra, Greece, 2007.
- A quantum algorithm for finding minimum exclusive-or expressions, M. Samson, D. Voudouris, G. Papakonstantinou, ISVLSI2007, Brazil, 2007.
- Studying the impact of synchronization frequency on scheduling tasks with dependencies in heterogeneous systems, F. Ciorba, I. Rakiotakis, G. Papakonstantinou, T. Andronikos, A. Chronopoulos, PACT 2007, Romania, 2007.
- Hardware natural language interface, C. Pavlatos, A. Dimopoulos, G. Papakonstantinou, 4th IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications & Innovations, AIAI 2007, Athens, 2007.
- Optimal Synchronization Frequency for Dynamic Pipelined Computations on Heterogeneous Systems, F. Ciorba, I. Riakiotakis, T. Andronikos, G. Papakonstantinou, A. Chronopoulos, Cluster 2007,Austin USA, 2007.
- Dynamic Scheduling for dependence loops on heterogeneous clusters, G. Papakonstantinou, I. Riakiotakis, T. Andronikos, F. Ciorba, A. Chronopoulos, International Journal of Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations, Vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 359 - 384, Dec. 2006.
- Decomposition of multi-output Boolean functions, D. Voudouris, M. Kalathas, G. Papakonstantinou, HERMIS Journal, Vol.6:159-166, 2006.
- Dynamic Multi Phase Scheduling for Heterogeneous Clusters, F. Ciorba, T. Andronikos,I. Riakiotakis, A. Chronopoulos, G. Papakonstantinou, 20th IEEE International Parallel Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS06, Rhodes, 2006.
- An Efficient Hardware Impementation for AI Applications, A. Dimopoulos, C. Pavlatos, I. Panagopoulos, G. Papakonstantinou, 4th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence, SETN 06, Crete 2006.
- Efficient Signal Processing using Syntactic Pattern Recognition Methods, A. Koulouris, T. Andronikos, C. Pavlatos, A. Dimopoulos, I. Panagopoulos and G. Papakonstantinou, Eighth IAESTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, August 2006.
- A Heuristic Algorithm to Minimize ESOPs for Multiple-Output Incompletely Specified Functions, M. Kalathas, D, Voudouris, G. Papakonstantinou, GLSVLSI 2006, Boston, 2006.
- Self-adapting scheduling for tasks with dependencies in stochastic environments, I. Riakiotakis, F. Ciorba, T. Andronikos, G. Papakonstantinou, 5th International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Networks, HeteroPar06, Barcelona 2006.
- An Embedded System for Intelligent Control, I. Panagopoulos, C. Pavlatos, G. Papakonstantinou, Journal of Robotics and Intelligent Systems, vol.42, no2, Febr. 2005.
- Minimization of reversible wave cascades, D. Voudouris, S. Stergiou, G. Papakonstantinou, IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals, vol. E88-A, no.1, Jan. 2005.
- Adaptive Cyclic Scheduling of Nested loops, F. Ciorba, T. Andronikos, G. Papakonstantinou, HERMCA 2005, Athens, 2005.
- Decomposition of Multi-Output Boolean Functions, D. Voudouris, M. Kalathas, G. Papakonstantinou, HERMCA 2005, Athens, 2005.
- Reducing the Communication Cost via Chain Pattern Scheduling, F. Ciorba, T. Andronikos, I. Drositis, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, IEEE NCAOS, Cambridge USA, 2005.
- Hardware Implementation of Pan Tomkis QRS Detection Algorithm, C. Pavlatos, A. Dimopoulos, G. Manis, G. Papakonstantinou, EMBEC 05, Prague, 2005
- An Embedded System for the Electrocardiogram Recognition, C. Pavlatos, A. Dimopoulos, G. Papakonstantinou, EMBEC 05, Prague, 2005.
- Exact minimization of ESOP expressions with less than eight product terms, S. Stergiou, G. Papakonstantinou, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, vol. 13, no. 1, Febr. 2004.
- An embedded system for artificial intelligence applications, I. Panagopoulos, C. Pavlatos, G. Papakonstantinou, International Journal of Computational Intelligence, 1(1), 2004.
- Multiple-value exclusive-or sum-of-products minimization algorithmsS. Stergiou, D. Voudouris, G. Papakonstantinou, S. Stergiou, D. Voudouris, G. Papakonstantinou, IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals, Vol. E87-A No. 5 p.1226, May 2004.
- Knowledge representation using a Modified Earleys Algorithm, C. Pavlatos, I. Panagopoulos, G, Papakonstantinou, Lectures of Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag, pp.321-330, 2004
- An extended RISC microprocessor for Attribute Grammar Evaluation, I. Panagopoulos, C. Pavlatos, G. Papakonstantinou, SAC2004, ACM Symposium on Applied Computers, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2004
- A programmable Pipelined Coprocessor for Parsing Applications C. Pavlatos, I. Panagopoulos, G, Papakonstantinou, Workshop on Application Specific Processors (WASP), pp. 84-91 Stockholm, Sept. 2004
- Code Generation for General Loops Using Methods from Computational Geometry T. Andronikos, F. M. Ciorba, P. Theodoropoulos, D. Kamenopoulos and G. Papakonstantinou, IASTED Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems Conference (PCDS 2004), Cambrige, MA USA, November 9-11, 2004.
- Maitra Cascade Minimization, D. Voudouris, G. Papakonstantinou, 6th International Workshop on Boolean Problems, 2004,Freiberg (Sachsen) Germany.
- A fast and efficient heuristic ESOP minimization algorithm, S. Stergiou, K. Daskalakis, G. Papakonstantinou, GLSVLSI 2004, Boston, 2004.
- Hardware Implementation of Syntactic Pattern Recognition Algorithms C.Pavlatos, A. koulouris, G, Papakonstantinou, The International Association of Science and Technology for Development Conference (SPPRA 2003), Rhodes, Greece, 2003
- Towards a general novel exact ESOP minimization methodology, S. Stergiou, G. Papakonstantinou, 6th International Symposium on Representatios and Methodology of Future Computing Technology, RM 2003, Trier, Germany, 2003.
- An efficient scheduling of uniform depedence loops, T. Andronikos, M. Kalathas, F. M. Ciorba, P. Theodoropoulos, G. Papakonstantinou,6th Hellenic European Conference on Computer Mathematics and its Applications, HERCMA 2003, Athens, Greece, 2003.
- R-Peak detection with alternative Haar wavelet filter, A. Alexandridi, I. Panagopoulos, G. Manis, G. Papakonstantinou, IEEE International Symposium on Signal processing and Information Technology, ISSPIT 2003.
- Simple code generation for special UDLs, F. Ciorba, T. Andronikos, D. Kamenopoulos, P. Theodoropoulos, G. Papakonstantinou, BCI 2003, Thessaloniki, Greece,2003.
- A comparative evaluation of models and specification language for embedded system design, I. Panagopoulos, G. Papakonstantinou, N. Alexandridis, PCI 2003, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2003.
- Scheduling nested loops with the least number of processors, T. Andronikos, M. Kalathas, F. M. Ciorba, P. Theodoropoulos, G. Papakonstantinou, IASTED International Conference on Applied Informatics, AI 2003, Innsbruck, Austria, 2003.
- Analyzing the 24-Hour Blood Pressure and Heart-Rate Variability with Self-Organizing Feature Maps, G Tambouratzis, G. Papakonstantinou, S. Stamatelopoulos, N. Zakopoulos, S. Moulopoulos, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol. 17, Jan. 2002.
- Handling advanced scheduling heuristics under a hardware compiler generation environment, G. Economakos, P. Economakos, I. Poulakis, G. Papakonstantinou, and S. Georgoulis, Knowledge Based Systems, vol. 15, Jan. 2002.
- Geometric Scheduling of 2-D UET-UCT Uniform Dependence Loops, I. Drositis, T. Andronikos, G. Manis, G. Papakonstantinou, N. Koziris, 10th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing, 2002.
- Optimal loop parallelization in n-dimensional index spaces, I. Drositis, T. Andronikos, M. Kalathas, G. Papakonstantinou, N. Koziris, International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA02, Las Vegas 2002.
- An efficient algorithm for exact ESOP minimization, S. Stergiou, G Papakonstantinou, International Conference on VLSI, VLSI02, Las Vegas 2002.
- A meta-interface for programming embedded applications, N. Papaspypou, S. Stergiou, G. Manis, G. Papakonstantinou, 4th International Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technology, CSIT 2002, Patras, Greece, 2002.
- A novel reconfigurable processor architecture with harwarde assisted OS kernel, S. Stergiou, G. Manis, G. Asimenos, A. Sotiropoulos, G. Papakonstantinou, Workshop on Application Specific Processors, WASP-1, Instabul, Turkey, 2002.
- On parallelization of UET/UET-UCT loops , G. Papakonstantinou, T. Andronikos, I. Drositis, Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations, vol. 9, Dec. 2001.
- Scheduling UET Grids with unit communication time delays into unbounded/fixed number of processors, P. Tsanakas, T. Andronikos, N. Koziris, G. Papakonstantinou, chapter 2 in the book Highly Parallel Computations: Algorithms and Applications , M. Bekakos (editor), WIT Press, 2001.
- TOPPER: A Tool for Optimizing the Performance of Parallel Applications, D. Konstantinou, N. Koziris, G. Papakonstantinou, EURO PVM-MPI 2001,2001.
- Developing embedded applications for a component-based Operating System, N. Papaspyrou, I. Panagopoulos, S. Stergiou, G. Papakonstantinou, Fourth Multi-conference Information Society: Development and Reengineering of Information Systems, IS2001, 2001.
- Using higher order attribute grammars in high-level hardware synthesis, I. Panagopoulos, G. Economakos, and G. Papakonstantinou, in 19th International Conference on Applied Informatics, IASTED, 2001.
- A systematic approach to represent and implement hardware transformations with respect to specific i/o protocols, I. Poulakis, G. Economakos, I. Panagopoulos, G. Papakonstantinou, and N. Koziris, in 19th International Conference on Applied Informatics, IASTED, 2001.
- Geometric scheduling of 2-D uniform dependence loops, I. Drositis, T. Andronikos, A. Kokorogiannis, G. Papakonstantinou, N. Koziris, International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, ICPADS-2001, 2001.
- An open distributed shared memory system, G Manis, L. Lymberopoulos, N. Koziris, G. Papakonstantinou, HPCN Europe 2001,2001.
- A significant points driven piecewise linear approximation algorithm for ECG signals, A. Koulouris, G. Papakonstantinou, MEDICON 2001, 2001.
- A multi-lingual synthesis and verification environment, G. Economakos, S. Stergiou, G. Papakonstantinou, Euromicro 2001.
- Geometric pattern prediction and scheduling of uniform depedence loops, I. Drositis, T. Andronikos, A. Alexandridi, G. Papakonstantinou, N. Koziris, HERMA 2001, Athens 2001.
- TOPPER:A software Environment for the Enhancement of Parallel Programs, D. Konstantinou, G. Goumas, P. Theodoropoulos, N. Koziris, G. Papakonstantinou, 8th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics,2001.
- Incorporating Homomorphic Reduction into Abstract Interpretation, V. Zoukos, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, 8th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics,2001.
- C++as a hardware specification language: Design methodologies under a compiler generator environment, G. Economakos, P. Economakos, I. Panagopoulos, and G. Papakonstantinou, in Design Expo Conference, 2001.
- Experiments with a c++ synthesis environment, G. Economakos, P. Economakos, I. Panagopoulos, and G. Papakonstantinou, in 10th International HDL Conference and Exhibition, 2001.
- Turning software into hardware with the system class library, G. Economakos, P. Economakos, I. Panagopoulos, I. Poulakis, and G. Papakonstantinou, in Design Automation and test in Europe Conference and Exhibition. ACM/IEEE, 2001.
- Software and hardware codesign of a real time ecg monitor, G. Economakos, A. Sotiropoulos, and G. Papakonstantinou, in 19th International Conference on Applied Informatics, IASTED, 2001.
- A decentralized multichannel length transformation algorithm and its parallel implementation for real-time ECG monitoring, A. Koulouris, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, Computers and Biomedical Research,vol. 33,pp. 227-244,2000.
- Chain grouping:A method for partitioning loops onto distributed memory multiprocessors, N. Koziris, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and distributed Systems,vol.11, no 9,pp. 941-955,2000.
- Advances in attribute grammar driven hardware compilation, G. Economakos, I. Panagopoulos, G. Papakonstantinou, International Workshop on Attribute Grammars and their Applications, WAGA 00, Ponte de Lima, Portugal, 2000.
- A grammatical approach to user model resolution for electronic shopping A. Manousopoulou, G. Papakonstantinou, International Workshop on Attribute Grammars and their Applications, WAGA 00, Ponte de Lima, Portugal, 2000.
- A distributed media server management scheme, S. Sotirchos, N. Koziris, G. Papakonstantinou, 10th Mediterenean Electrotechnical Conference, Melecon 2000, Cyprus, 2000.
- Evaluation of loop grouping methods based on orthogonal projection spaces, I. Drositis, N.Koziris, G. Goumas, P. Tsanakas, G. Papakonstantinou, 2000 International Conference on Parallel Processing, Toronto, Canada, 2000.
- A top-down interactive behavioral synthesis environment, I. Poulakis, P. Economakos, G. Papakonstantinou, in 7th International Conference on Electronics, Circuits Systems, IEEE, 2000.
- An efficient algorithm for the physical mapping of clustered task graphs onto multiprocessor architectures, N. Koziris,m. Romesis, P. Tsanakas, G. Papakonstantinou, 8th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing, PDP 2000,Rhodes, Greece,2000.
- Optimal scheduling for UET-UCT grids into fixed number of processors, T. Andronikos, N. Koziris, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, 8th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing, PDP 2000,Rhodes, Greece,2000 .
- Partial Parsing with Grammatical Features, A. Manousopoulou, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, 6th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT 2000), Trento, Italy, 2000.
- Mixture density estimation based on maximum likelihood and sequential test statistics N. Vlassis, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, Neural Processing Letters, vol. 9, no 1, Febr. 1999.
- Optimal scheduling for UET/UET-UCT generalized n-dimensional grid task graphs, T. Andronikos, N. Koziris, G. Papakonstantinou and P. Tsanakas, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 57, 140-165,1999.
- Modelling the control on parallel implementations of declarative programming languages,A. Thanos, C. Voliotis, G. Papakonstantinou, CIMCA 99, Austria, 1999.
- Facilitating the Development of Parallel Implementations of Declarative Programming Languages Using Attribute Grammars, A. Thanos, G. Papakonstantinou, WAGA99, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1999.
- A knowledge acquisition and management system for ECG diagnosis, P. Bourlas, E. Giakoumakis, G. Papakonstantinou, ACAI 99, Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Applications, Chania, Greece, 1999.
- A formal method for hardware design using attribute grammars, G. Economakos, G. Papakonstantinou, 6th Inernational Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 99, Paphos, Cyprus, 1999.
- A systolic approach to loop partition and mapping into fixed sized distributed memory architectures, I Drositis, N. Koziris, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, 7th Hellenic Conference on Informatics, Ioannina, Greece, 1999.
- Dynamic sensory probabilistic maps for mobile robot localisation, N. Vlassis, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS98, Victoria, Canada, 1998.
- Towards automatic generator of multi-paradigm parallel programming languages using parallel attribute grammar evaluation techniques, A.M. Thanos, G. Papakonstantinou, P.Tsanakas, Second International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks (PDCN98), Brisbane, Australia, 1998.
- A Path-Driven Loop Scheduling Mapped onto Generalized Hypercubes, Hai Jiang, A.T. Chronopoulos, G. Papakonstantinou, P.Tsanakas, IASTED Conference on Parallel Distributed Processing, U.S.A., Las Vegas, 1998.
- A Parallel Parsing VISI Architecture for Arbitrary Context Free Grammars, A. Koulouris, N.Koziris, T. Andronikos, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS98).
- Attribute Grammar Based System for Multi-paradigm Distributed Computing: The Concurrent Constraint Logic Programming Paradigm, A. Thanos, G. Papakonstantinou, P.Tsanakas, 10th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications (EXPERSYS-98), Virginia, U.S.A., 1998.
- Animation Techniques for Real Time ECG Monitoring, G. Economakos, G. Papakonstantinou, L. Nikolaidis, Computers in Cardiology (CIC98), Cleveland, U.S.A. Sept.1998.
- An Open System for ECG Telemedicine and Telecare, A. Thanos, G. Economakos, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, L. Nikolaidis, Computers in Cardiology (CIC98), Cleveland, U.S.A. Sept.1998.
- An attribute grammar modelling for generating CCLP languages, A. Thanos, G. Papakonstantinou, 4th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, CP98, Workshop on Modeling and Computing with Concurrent constraint Programming, Pisa, Italy, 1998.
- A chart-like parser for context sensitive grammars, A. Manousopoulou, G. Papakonstantinou and P. Tsanakas, International Workshop on Tabulation in Parsing and Deduction (TAPD 98), Paris, France, 1998.
- A unified model for multimedia retrieval by content, P. Piamsa-nga, N. Alexandridis, G. Blankenship, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, S. Tzafestas, 13th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, CATA 98,Honolulu,Hawaii,1998.
- A vector quantization schema for non-stationary signal distributions based on ML estimationof mixture densities, N. Vlassis, G Papakonstantinou, A. Stafylopatis, IX European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-98), Rhodes,Greece, 1998.
- Behavioral synthesis of digital filters using attribute grammars, G. Economacos, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, IX European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-98), Rhodes,Greece, 1998.
- Automatic generation of a VLSI parallel architecture for QRS detection, A. Koulouris, N. Koziris, T. Andronikos, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, , IX European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-98), Rhodes,Greece, 1998.
- Using wavelet analysis as preprocessing module for the syntactic pattern recognition of the ECG, A. Koulouris, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas,BMI-98, 8th International IMECO Conference on Measurement in Clinical Medicine, Dubrovnik,Croatia, 1998.
- An array architecture for syntactic pattern recognition A, Koulouris, N. Koziris, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, IMACS 98, Athens, Greece, 1998.
- An attribute grammar driven high level synthesis paradigm for control applications, G. Economakos, G. Papakonstantinou, EURISCON 98, Athens, Greece, 1998.
- Exploiting the use of VHDL specifications in the AGENTA high-level synthesis environment, G Economacos, G Papakonstantinou, Euromicro98, workshop on Digital System Design : Architectures, Methods and Tools, Vasteras, Sweden, 1998.
- AGENDA: An attribute grammar driven environment for the design automation of digital systems, G. Economakos, G. Papakonstantinou and P. Tsanakas, Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE98), Paris, France, 1998.
- Extensive Laboratory Practice with the ECG Signal, Ph. Bourlas, G. Economakos, A. Koulouris, G. Papakonstantinou, A. Thanos and P. Tsanakas, 1st Panhellenic Conference on Biomedical Technology, Athens, Greece 1998.
- Incorporating multi-pass attribute grammars for the high-level synthesis of ASICs, G. Economacos,G. Papakonstantinou, and P. Tsanakas, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Atlanta, USA, 1998.
- Lower time and processor bounds for efficient mapping of uniform dependence algorithms into systolic arrays, T. Andronikos, N. Koziris, Z. Tsiatsoulis, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, Journal of Parallel Algorithms and Applications, vol. 10, pp 177-194,1997.
- ORCHID: A portable platform for parallel programming, K. Voliotis, G Manis, H. Lekatsas, P. Tsanakas, G. Papakonstantinou, Euromicro Journal of Systems Architecture,vol. 43, issue 6-7, pp 459-478, April 1997.
- SENARIO: A sensor-aided intelligent navigation system for powered wheelchairs, N Katevas, N. M. Sgouros, S. Tzafestas, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Beattie, J. M. Bishop, P. Tsanakas and D. Koutsouris, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, vol. 4, no.4,pp 60-70, Dec. 1997.
- Free scheduling of general nested loops for distributed memory architectures, N. Koziris, A. Pappas, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, 4th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 97, Cairo, Egypt, 1997.
- Mapping nested loops onto distributed memory multiprocessors, N. Koziris, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, ICPADS 97, Seoul, Korea, 1997.
- Automatic generation of portable parallel natural language parsers, A. Manousopoulou, G. Manis, P. Tsanakas, G. Papakonstantinou, International Conference on Tools with AI, ICTAI 97, Newport Beach, USA,1997.
- Global scheduling in an attribute grammar driven silicon compilation environment, G. Economakos, G. Papakonstantinou and P. Tsanakas, IEEE/VIUF International Workshop on Behavioral Modeling and Simulation (BMAS97), Arlington, USA 1997.
- Integrating different VHDL coding styles in an attribute grammar driven high-level synthesis environment, G. Economakos, P. Economakos, G. Papakonstantinou and P. Tsanakas, IFIP International Workshop on Logic and Architecture Synthesis (IWLAS97), Grenoble, France 1997.
- Multimedia presentation techniques for interactive plots, N. M. Sgouros, P. Tsanakas, G. Papakonstantinou, International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems 97, Ottawa, Canada, 1997.
- The probabilistic growing cell structures algorithm, N. Vlassis, A. Dimopoulos, G. Papakonstantinou, 7th International Conference on Artificial Neural Nets, ICANN 97, Lausanne, 1997.
- Hardware compilation using attribute grammars, G. Economakos, G. Papakonstantinou, K. Pekmestzi, P. Tsanakas, IFIP 10.5 Advanced Research Working Conference on Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods, CHARME 97, Montreal, Canada, 1997.
- Global semaphores in a parallel programming environment, P. Theodoropoulos, P. Tsanakas, P. Papakonstantinou, EuroPVM-MPI97, Krakow, Poland, 1997.
- Learning the Voronoi centers of a mobile robots configuration space, N. Vlassis, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, 3rd ECPD Int. Conf. On Advanced Robotics, Int. Automation and Act. Systems, Bremen, Germany, Sept. 1997.
- Καθολικοί σηματοφορείς σε παράλληλο προγραμματιστικό περιβάλλον, Π. Θεοδωρόπουλος, Γ. Παπακωνσταντίνου, Π. Τσανάκας, 6ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Πληροφορικής, Αθήνα, 1997.
- Παράλληλη συντακτική ανάλυση της Ελληνικής γλώσσας, Α. Μανουσοπούλου, Γ. Μανής, Π. Τσανάκας, Γ. Παπακωνσταντίνου, 6ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Πληροφορικής, Αθήνα, 1997.
- Εντοπισμός και σημειώσεις ονοματικών συνόλων σε κείμενα της νέας Ελληνικής, Α. Μανουσοπούλου, Γ. Παπακωνσταντίνου, Π. Τσανάκας, 6ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Πληροφορικής, Αθήνα, 1997.
- Loopdep: An integrated environment for nested loop parallelization using PVM, A. Pappas, N. Koziris. T. Andronikos, P. Tsanakas, G. Papakonstantinou, 6th Hellenic Conferene on Informatics, Athens, 1997.
- Automatic hardware synthesis of nested loops using UET grids and VHDL, N. Koziris, T. Andronikos,G. Economakos, G. Papakonstantinou and P. Tsanakas, HPCN Europe 1997 Conference, Vienna, 1997.
- Optimal scheduling for UET-UCT generalized n-dimensional grid task graphs, T. Andronikos, N. Koziris, G. Papakonstantinou and P. Tsanakas, 11th IEEE/ACM International Parallel Processing Symposium (IPPS 97), Geneva, 1997.
- Multimedia presentation techniques for interactive plots, N. Sgouros, P. Tsanakas and G. Papakonstantinou, IEEE Innternational Conference on Multimedia Computing Systems 1997 (ICMCS 97), Ottawa, 1997.
- Robot map building by Kohonen's self-organizing neural networks, N. A. Vlassis, G. Papakonstantinou and P. Tsanakas, MOBINET Symposium 97, Athens, 1997.
- Optimal automatic hardware synthesis for signal processing algorithms, N. Koziris, G. Economacos, T. Andronikos, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, 13th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, DSP-97, Santorini, Greece, 1997.
- Optimal piecewise linear approximation, G. Manis, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, 13th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, DSP-97, Santorini, Greece, 1997.
- Attribute grammar based modeling of concurrent constraint logic programming, C. Voliotis, N. Sgouros, G. Papakonstantinou, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, vol.4, no. 3, pp 383-411,1996.
- An experiment for truly parallel logic programming, G. Efthivoulidis, N. Vlassis, P. Tsanakas, G. Papakonstantinou, The Journal of Intelligent Robotic Systems,vol.16, no. 2, pp169-184,1996.
- The CARDIO-LOGOS system for ECG training and diagnosis, F. Bourlas, E. Giakoumakis, D. Koutsouris, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, Journal of Technology and Health Care, 3 (1996), pp 279-285, 1996.
- Optimal time and efficient space free scheduling for nested loops, N. Koziris, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, The Computer Journal, vol.39, no.5, pp 439-448, 1996.
- An explorative concatenative approach for learning morphological phenomena of modern Greek, Y. Kotsanis, D. Kokkinos, A. Manousopoulou, G. Papakonstantinou, Association for Learning Technology Journal (ALT-J),vol.4, no.3, pp 29-40,1996.
- Global path planning for autonomous qualitative navigation, N Vlassis, N Sgouros, G. Efthivoulidis, G. Papakonstantinou, IEEE International Conferenceon Tools with AI, Toulouse, France, 1996
- A parallel approach to ECG processing, A. Koulouris, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, 18th Annual International Conference IEEE Engineering in Medicin and Biology Society , Amsterdam, The Nederlands, 1996.
- Dynamic dramatization of multimedia story presentations, N. Sgouros, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 97, USA,1996.
- A framework for plot control in interactive story environments, N. Sgouros, P. Tsanakas, G. Papakonstantinou, 13th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-96), 1996.
- Qualitative autonomous navigation for wheelchair robots, N. Sgouros, P. Tsanakas, G. Papakonstantinou, 12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-96), 1996.
- Enhancing PVM with threads in distributed programming, G. Manis, C Voliotis, P. Tsanakas, G. Papakonstantinou, HPCN Europe 1996 Conference, Brussels, 1996.
- PPARDB/PVM: A portable PVM based parallel database management system, N. Papakostas, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, 3rd International Conference of the ACPC, Austria,1996.
- Automatic parallelization of full 2-D block matching for real time motion compensation and mapping into special purpose architectures, N. Koziris, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, 3rd International Workshop on Image and Signal Processing, England, 1996.
- Using PVM to implement PPARDB/PVM, a portable parallel database management system, N. Papakostas, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, EUROPVM96 Conference, Germany, 1996.
- Extending synchronization PVM mechanisms, P. Theodoropoulos, G. Manis, P. Tsanakas, G. Papakonstantinou, EUROPVM96 Conference, Germany, 1996.
- Towards a knowledge aquisition and management system for ECG diagnosis, P. Bourlas, N. Sgouros, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, Medical Informatics Europe 96 ( MIE 96 ), 13th International Congress, Denmark,1996.
- NTUA extended telemedicine platform, G. Economakos, A. Koulouris, A. Thanos, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, TELMED 96, England,1996
- Localized qualitative navigation for indoor environment, N. Sgouros, G. Papakonstantinou, P Tsanakas, IEEE Conference on Robotics Automation, 1996.
- An attribute grammar approach to high-level automated hardware synthesis, G. Economacos, G. Papakonstantinou and P. Tsanakas, Information and Software Technology, vol. 37, no. 9, 1995.
- Development of distributed problem solving systems for dynamic environments, G. Lekkas, N. Avouris and G. Papakonstantinou, IEEE Trans. on SMC, vol. 25, no. 3, pp.400-414, March 1995.
- A portable platform for parallel databases, F. Stamatelopoulos, G. Manis, G. Papakonstantinou, HPCN Europe 1995 Conference, Milan, Italy, 1995.
- ORCHID: The design of a parallel and portable software platform for local area netware, G. Manis, K. Voliotis, Ch. Lekatsas, P. Tsanakas, G. Papakonstantinou, IEEE International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP-95), 1995, Brisbane, Australia.
- Environment representation and off-line planning for real-time autonomous wheel-chair navigation, N. Sgouros, C. Voliotis, N. Katevas, P. Tsanakas, G. Papakonstantinou, First ECPD International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Automation, 1995, Athens, Greece.
- An efficient algorithm for the optimal linear schedule of uniform depedence algorithms, T. Andronikos, N. Koziris, Z. Tsiatsoulis, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, First ECPD International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Automation, 1995, Athens, Greece.
- Facilitating the development of portable parallel applications on distributed memory systems, K. Voliotis, G Manis, A. Thanos, P. Tsanakas, G. Papakonstantinou, Massively Parallel Programming Models (MPPM-95), Berlin 1995.
- The design of a portable software platform and its application in parallel signal processing, G. Manis, P. Tsanakas, G. Papakonstantinou, Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing, Cyprus, 1995.
- ECG handling on a telemedicine platform, G. Economakos, A.Koulouris, G. Papakonstantinou, A. Thanos, P Tsanakas, TELMED 95, England 1995.
- Automatic Loop Mapping and Partitioning into Systolic Architectures, N. Koziris, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, 5th Hellenic Conferene on Informatics, Athens, 1995.
- DAFFODIL : A framework for integrating AND/OR parallelism, C. Voliotis, A. Thanos, N. Sgouros, G. Papakonstantinou, 5th Hellenic Conference on Informatics, Athens, 1995.
- SENARIO-The Autonomous Mobile Robotics Technology for the Locomotion Handicap: Operational and Technical Issues, N. Katevas, S. Tzafestas, J. M. Bishop, R. Preuss, P. Rabischong, D. Koutsouris, A. Ikonomopoulos, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, N. Uzunoglou, The European Context for Assistive Technology, I. Placencia Porrero, R. Puig de la Bellacasa (editors), April 1995, Paris, France, IOS press, pp. 371-374.
- Parallel approaches to piecewise linear approximation, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas and G. Manis, Signal Processing, vol.37, no 3, 1994.
- Parallel syntactic pattern recognition, G. Papakonstantinou P. Tsanakas and J. Plevrakis, SPRANN 94 Conference, France, 1994.
- Ανάπτυξη του εκπαιδευτικού προγράμματος ΩΡΙΩΝ, Π. Τσανάκας και Γ. Παπακωνσταντίνου, Ημερίδα ΥΠΕΠΘ: Η Πληροφορική στη Μέση Εκπαίδευση, Μάρτιος 1994.
- Parallel natural language interfaces, G. Papakonstantinou P. Tsanakas and Plevrakis, EURISCON '94 Conference, Spain, 1994.
- ALLS: An AI-based tool for the automated synthesis of digital circuits, G. Ekonomakos, G. Papakonstantinou and T. Tsanakas, , EURISCON '94 Conference, Spain, 1994.
- Caching inferences and recovering from inconsistencies in logic programming environments, N. Sgouros, G. Papakonstantinou and P. Tsanakas, EURISCON '94 Conference, Spain, 1994.
- Dependency-directed binding of variables for constraint logic programming, G. Papakonstantinou, C. Voliotis and N. Sgouros, DEXA 94 Conference, Greece, 1994.
- Σχεδίαση και Ανάπτυξη Εκπαιδευτικού Λογισμικού για τη διδασκαλία της Πληροφορικής, Π. Τσανάκας και Γ. Παπακωνσταντίνου, 20 Συνέδριο Εκπαιδευτικής Πληροφορικής, Αθήνα, 1994.
- A full theorem prover under uncertainty, T. Panayiotopoulos and G. Papakonstantinou, Journal of Intelligence and Robotic Systems, 7, 139-149, 1993.
- Παράλληλα Σχεσιακά Συστήματα Διαχείρισης Βάσεων Δεδομένων, Θ. Θεοχάρης, Γ. Παπακωνσταντίνου και Π. Τσανάκας, Ειδικά Θέματα Βάσεων Δεδομένων Εκδοση ΕΠΥ, Αθήνα, 1993.
- ORCHID: Πλατφόρμα εκτέλεσης παράλληλων αλγορίθμων σε αρχιτεκτονικές κατανεμημένης μνήμης, Κ. Βολιώτης, Γ. Παπακωνσταντίνου και Π. Τσανάκας, 4ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Πληροφορικής, Πάτρα, 1993.
- ALLS: Ένα εργαλείο αυτόματης σχεδίασης ψηφιακών συστημάτων με μεθόδους τεχνητής νοημοσύνης, Γ. Οικονομάκος Γ. Παπακωνσταντίνου και Π. Τσανάκας, 4ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Πληροφορικής, Πάτρα, 1993.
- NTUA/KESS: Ενας πυρήνας έμπειρων συστημάτων για πλήρη αβέβαιη και ασαφή συμπερασματολογια, Κ. Νομικός, Ν. Βλάσσης, Κ. Φλώκος, Θ. Παναγιωτόπουλος και Γ. Παπακωνσταντίνου, 4ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Πληροφορικής, Πάτρα, 1993.
- Distributed shared memory tools: principles and implementation, G. Papakonstaninou and P. Tsanakas, Advanced Workshop on Software for Parallel Computation, J. Kowalik and L. Grandinetti (Eds), Springer-Verlag, 1993.
- An extension of the certainty factor model in first order predicate calculus, T. Panayiotopoulos and G. Papakonstantinou, The Computer Journal, Vol. 35, No. 2, 1992.
- AGP: A parallel processor for knowledge and software engineering, G. Papakonstantinou, T. Panayiotopoulos and G. Dimitriou, The Computer Journal, Vol. 35, No. 2, 1992.
- Distributed shared memory implementation for multitransputer systems, P. Tsanakas, G. Papakonstantinou and G. Efthivoulidis, Information and Software Technology , vol.34, no 8, 1992, pp.499-506.
- Systematic synthesis of parallel VLSI architectures from FP specifications and its application to scene matching, P. Tsanakas ,G. Papakonstantinou and N. Bilalis, Microprocessing and Microprogramming Journal, vol.35, 1992, pp.579-586.
- The design of PARDB: a parallel relational database management system, T. Theoharis, G. Papakonstantinou and P. Tsanakas, 7th Int. Symp. on Comp. and Information Sciences, Turkey, 1992.
- AGP: a parallel processor for knowledge and software engineering, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas and C. Voliotis, The European Workshop on Parallel Computing / PCA Closing Session, Spain, 1992.
- A Distibuted shared memory implementation for multitransputer systems, P. Tsanakas, G. Papakonstantinou and G. Efthivoulidis, The European Workshop on Parallel Computing / PCA Closing Session, Spain, 1992.
- A prolog-based design environment for the high-level synthesis of application-specific architectures, P. Tsanakas, G. Papakonstantinou and S. Kaxiras, Microprocessing and Microprogramming, 32, pp.307-314, 1991.
- The multitransputer implementation of a hierarchical edge detection algorithm, G. Dimitriu, P. Tsanakas and G.Papakonstantinou, P.D.COM 91, Greece, 1991.
- A consulting system for ECG diagnosis, E. Giakoumakis and G. Papakonstantinou, EURISCON 91, Greece, 1991.
- Predicate logic and inexact reasonic, T. Panayiotopoulos and G. Papakonstantinou, EURISCON 91, Greece, 1991.
- A parallel full theorem prover with uncertainties, G. Papakonstantinou, T. Panayiotopoulos, N. Georgoulis and I. Papakonstantinou, P.D.COM 91, Greece, 1991.
- A truly declarative prolog-like language, G. Papakonstantinou, T. Panayiotopoulos and M. Sideri, EURISCON 91, Greece, 1991.
- The GIBS interface for ECG diagnosis, E. Giakoumakis and G. Papakonstantinou, Computers in Cardiology Conference, Italy, 1991.
- The transputer implementation of a parallel attribute grammar evaluator, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas, A. Stafylopatis, S. Kollias, ESPRIT/Parallel Computing Action, Workshop III, Bonn, 1991.
- Αn FP-based methodology for the automatic VLSI implementation of a parsing algorithm, G. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsanakas and K. Voliotis, International Conference on Concurrent Engineering and Electronic Design Automation, England, 1991.
- The automated synthesis of parallel dedicated architectures using prolog specifications, P. Tsanakas, G. Papakonstantinou, K. Pekmestzi and S. Kaxiras, P.D.COM 91, Greece, 1991.
- An attribute grammar interpreter for inexact reasoning, T. Panayiotopoulos, G. Papakonstantinou and N.Sgouros, Information and Software Technology, vol.32, no.5, pp 347-356, 1990.
- Knoweledge processing and learning systems on multitransputer architectures, G. Papakonstantinou, A. Stafylopatis, S. Kollias and P. Tsanakas, ESPRIT/Parallel Computing Action, Workshop I, Southampton, 1990.
- Knoweledge processing and learning systems on multitransputer architectures, S. Kollias, A. Stafylopatis, G. Papakonstantinou and P. Tsanakas, ESPRIT/Parallel Computing Action, Workshop II, ISPRA, 1990.
- Semanticaly driven parsing of context-free languages, M. Sideri, S. Efraimidis and G. Papakonstantinou, Computer Journal, vol. 32, no. 1, 1989.
- Detection of P and T waves in an ECG, F. Gritzali,G. Fragakis and G. Papakonstantinou, Computers and Biomedical Research, 22, pp 83-91, 1989.
- A syntactic method for the classification of the QRS patterns, P. Trahanias,E. Skordalakis and G. Papakonstantinou, Pattern RecognitionLetters, 9 (1989), pp 13-18.
- An FP-based design methodology for problem-oriented architectures, P. Tsanakas, N. Alexandridis and G. Papakonstantinou, the Computer Journal, vol. 32, no. 5, 1989.
- Attribute grammar approach to knowledge-based system building: Application to fault diagnosis, G. Papakonstantinou and S. Tzafestas, chapter 7 in the book Knowledge-based system diagnosis,supervision and control,ed. S. Tzafestas, Plenum Press, 1989.
- Expert system methodology in process supervision and control,S. Tzafestas,S. Abu El Ata-Doss and G. Papakonstantinou, chapter 11 in the book Knowledge-based system diagnosis,supervision and control, ed. S.Tzafestas, Plenum Press, 1989.
- An automatic baseline drift correction method, F. Gritzali, G. Frangakis, G. Papakonstantinou, Computers in Cardiology, Israel, 1989.
- DECGAP:An automatic ECG analysis program, F. Gritzali, G. Frangakis, G. Papakonstantinou, Computers in Cardiology,Israel,1989.
- Attribute Grammars and Dataflow Computing, G. Papakonstantinou and P. Tsanakas, Information and Software Technology, vol. 30, no. 5, pp 306-313,June 1988.
- Attribute Grammars and Logic Programming, T. Panagiotopoulos, G. Papakonstantinou and G. Stamatopoulos, Angewandte Informatik (AI-Debot paper),5/88.
- Attribute grammar theorem prover, T. Panayiotopoulos, G. Papakonstantinou and G. Stamatopoulos, Information and Software Technology, vol. 30, no. 9, pp 553-560, Nov. 1988.
- Γραμματική προσέγγιση σε συστήματα 5ης γενιάς, Γ. Παπακωνσταντινου, Θ. Παναγιωτόπουλος και Π.Τσανάκας, 2ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Πληροφορικής, Θεσσαλονίκη, 1988.
- ST-segment measurementin of an ECG, F. Gritzali, G. Frangakis and G. Papakonstantinou, Computers in Cardiology, Washington DC, USA, 1988.
- A syntactic method for the polygonal approximation of digitized curves,G. Stamatopoulos and G. Papakonstantinou,IMACS SMS 88, Italy,1988.
- Boolean methods in theorem proving,G. Stamatopoulos and G. Papakonstantinou, Computer at the University, Cavtat,Yugoslavia,1988.
- Noise estimation in ECG signals,F. Gritzali,G. Frangakis and G. Papakonstantinou, IEEE EMBS,10th Annual Conference, New Orleans,1988.
- Rule-Based systems and pattern recognition, E. Giakoumakis, G. Papakonstantinou and E. Skordalakis, Pattern Recognition Letters, 5, pp. 267-272, 1987.
- A Prolog program for the QRS detection and classification, E. Giakoumakis and G. Papakonstantinou, Computers in Cardiology, Leuven, Belgium, 1987.
- Formalization of the ECG diagnostic criteria using an expert system shell, E. Giakoumakis, S. Moulopoulos, G. Papakonstantinou, D. Sideris and S. Toumanidis, Computers in Cardiology, Leuven, Belgium, 1987.
- A method for the detection of the P and T waves, F. Gritzali, G. Frangakis and G. Papakonstantinou, Computers in Cardiology, Leuven, Belgium, 1987.
- A comparison of the length and energy transformations for the QRS detection, F. Gritzali, G. Frangakis and G. Papakonstantinou IEEE EMBS, 9th Annual Conference, Boston, 1987.
- A hybrid approach to the QRS detection in ECG waveforms, E. Giakoumakis, G. Papakonstantinou and M. Sideri, IEEE EMBS, 9th Annual Conference, Boston, 1987.
- Η Τεχνολογία γνώσης στον Τομέα Πληροφορικής του Ε.Μ.Π., Γ. Παπακωνσταντίνου, Σπ. Τζαφέστας, Α' Εθνικό Συμπόσιο Αυτοματισμού και Ρομποτικής, Αθήνα, 1987.
- Knowledge representation with attribute grammars, G. Papakonstantinou and J. Kontos, The Computer Journal, vol. 29, no. 3, 241-245, 1986.
- An attribute grammar for QRS detection, G. Papakonstantinou, E. Skordalakis and F. Gritzali, Pattern Recognition, vol. 19, no. 4 pp.297-303, 1986.
- An attribute grammar interpreter as a knowledge engineering tool, G. Papakonstantinou, C. Moraitis and T. Panayiotopoulos, Angewandte Informatik 9/86, pp 382-388, 1986.
- Microprocessor-based data reduction and compression systems, S. Tzafestas and G. Papakonstantinou, in Microprocessor-Based Control Systems, ed. N. K. Sinha, D. Reidel Publ. Company, 369-396, 1986.
- An ECG data reduction algorithm, E. Giakoumakis and G. Papakonstantinou, Computers in Cardiology, Boston, U.S.A., 1986.
- Attribute grammars in decision making, C. Moraitis and G. Papakonstantinou, The 25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Athens, Greece, 1986.
- Error recovery using attribute grammars, M. Sideri, G. Papakonstantinou, E. Skordalakis and S. Efraimidis, First European Workshop on Fault Diagnostics, Reliability and Related Knowledge-Based Approaches, Rhodes, Greece, 1986.
- A theorem prover as a fault diagnostic tool, G. Papakonstantinou, T.Panayiotopoulos and G. Stamatopoulos, First European Work shop on Fault Diagnostics, Reliability and Related Knowledge-Based Approaches, Rhodes, Greece, 1986.
- Attribute grammars as a diagnostic tool, C. Moraitis, G. Papakonstantinou and S. Tzafestas , First European Workshop on Fault Diagnostics, Reliability and Related Knowledge-Based Approaches, Rhodes, Greece, 1986.
- Systematic design of parallel architectures using functional programming, P. Tsanakas, G. Papakonstantinou and E. Skordalakis 1st Meeting on: Microprocessor Advanced Architecture and Design Methodologies, Community of Mediterranean Universities, Bari, Italy, 1986.
- Optimal polygonal approximation of digital curves, G. Papakonstantinou, Signal Processing 8,1985.
- A fast Walsh transform-based data compression multiprocessor system: application to ECG signals, G. Frangakis, G. Papakonstantinou, S. Tzafestas, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 1985.
- QRS detection using a finite state automaton model, G. Papakonstantinou, F. Gritzali and G. Frangakis, International AMSE Conference on Modelling Simulation, Athens, Greece, 1984.
- A syntactic model for pattern generation, C. Moraitis, G. Papakonsatntinou and E. Skordalakis, International Conference on Modelling Simulation, Athens, Greece, 1984.
- A distributed microprocessor based data compression system using fast walsh transform, G. Frangakis and G. Papakonstantinou DIGITECH'84, Patras - Greece, 1984.
- Aναγνώριση καρδιακών κυμάτων και μέτρηση των παραμέτρων-τους με ηλεκτρονικό υπολογιστή,Φ. Γκρίτζαλη, Γ. Παπακωνσταντίνου, Ε. Σκορδαλάκης, Α.Σώκος, Γ.Φραγκάκης, 1ο Ετήσιο Παναλλήνιο Ιατρικό Συνέδριο, Αθήνα, 1984.
- Towards an attribute grammar for the description of ECG waveforms, E. Skordalakis and G. Papakonstantinou, 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1984.
- Η Πληροφορική στην Ιατρική, Φ. Γκρίτζαλη, Γ. Παπακωνσταντίνου, Ε. Σκορδαλάκης, Α. Σώκος, Γ. Φραγκάκης. 1ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Πληροφορικής, Αθήνα, 1984, Τόμος 3, σελ. 69-76.
- A sentence generator based on an attribute grammar, G. Papakonstantinou, Angewandte Informatik, 8, 1983.
- An experiment on baseline drift correction in ECG waveforms, E. Skordalakis, F. Gritzali and G. Papakonstantinou, Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 83, Athens, Greece, 1983.
- A variant of a fast polygonal approximation algorithm, G. Papakonstantinou, F. Gritzali and E. Skordalakis, Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 83, Athens, Greece, 1983.
- A fast piecewise linear approximation algorithm, G. Gritzali and G. Papakonstantinou, Signal Processing 5, 1983.
- A real time data reduction microcomputer system, G. Gritzali and G. Papakonstantinou, International Symposium on Measurement and Control, MECO 83, Athens, Greece, 1983.
- A sentence generator based on an attribute grammar, G. Papakonstantinou, Angewandte Informatik, 8, 1983.
- A control structure for variable number of nested loops, E. Skordalakis and G. Papakonstantinou, The Computer Journal, vol. 25, no. 1, 1982.
- Optimal evaluation of queries, G. Papakonstantinou, The Computer Journal, vol. 25, no. 2, 1982.
- An interpreter of meta grammars describing syntax-directed interpreters using an attribute grammar, J. Kontos and G. Papakonstantinou, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol.SE-8, no. 4, July 1982.
- A variant of the split and merge algorithm suitable for ECG waveforms, E. Skordalakis and G. Papakonstantinou, Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Munich Germany, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1982.
- Normal ECG pattern generation using an attribute grammar, G. Papakonstantinou and E. Skordalakis, Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Munich-Germany, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1982.
- Syntactic filtering of ECG waveforms, G. Papakonstantinou and F. Gritzali, Computers and Biomedical Research, 14, 1981.
- Minimal modulo-2 expressions of switching functions with five variables, G. Papakonstantinou, International Journal of Electronics, vol. 50, no. 3, 1981.
- An interpreter of attribute grammars and its application to waveform analysis, G. Papakonstantinou, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, May 1981
- Turning a resident FORTRAN compiler into a cross one: a case history, G. Papakonstantinou and E. Skordalakis, III International Symposium Computer at the University, Cavtat, Yugoslavia, 1981.
- An experimental system for acquiring, storing, and retrieving electrocardiograms, E. Skordalakis and G. Papakonstantinou, III International Symposium Computer at the University, Cavtat, Yugoslavia, 1981.
- A recursive algorithm for the optimal conversion of decision tables, G. Papakonstantinou, Angewandte Informatik, 9/1980.
- A generator for INTEL-8080 microcomputer data management systems, G. Papakonstantinou and F. Gritzali, Euromicro Journal, (6), 1980.
- Minimization of modulo-2 sum-of products, G. Papakonstantinou, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Febr. 1979.
- A poor man's realization of attribute grammars, G. Papakonstantinou, Software-Practice and Experience, Sept. 1979.
- FUHP : An Intel-8080 resident FORTRAN compiler which utilizes host peripherals, G. Papakonstantinou and E. Skordalakis, Informatica 79, Bled, 1979.
- Coroutines in FORTRAN, E. Skordalakis and G. Papakonstantinou, SIGPLAN NOTICES of the ACM, vol.13, no. 9, Sept. 1978.
- An algorithm for recognizing characteristic points in waveforms, G. Papakonstantinou and E. Skordalakis, Informatica 78, Bled, 1978.
- A method to generate the prime cascades of an arbitrary switching function, G. Papakonstantinou, IEEE Transactions on Computers, May 1977.
- Synthesis of cutpoint arrays with exclusive or collector row, G. Papakonstantinou, Electronics Letters, Aug. 1977.
- Another round on recursive in FORTRAN, G. Papakonstantinou and E. Skordalakis, Angewandte Informatik, 11/1977.
- Cascade transformation, G. Papakonstantinou, IEEE Transactions On Computers, Jan. 1976.
- Modulo-2 expressions of switching functions, G. Papakonstantinou and F. Gritzali, Electronics Letters, May 1976.
- Indirect recursion in FORTRAN, G. Papakonstantinou and E. Skordalakis, 6th annual congress of the Gesellschaft fur Informatik , Stuttgart, 1976.
- A macroprocessor as a BNF driven translator, G. Papakonstantinou and N. Alexandrakis, Proceedings of the 11th Yugoslav International Symposium on Information Processing-Informatica, Bled, 1976.
- A portable preprocessor for recursive FORTRAN, G. Papakonstantinou, Angewandte Informatik 11/1975.
- A query-oriented file organization technique, G. Papakonstantinou and J. Kontos, International Journal of Systems Sciences, Aug. 1974.
- On simple portable information systems, G. Papakonstantinou and E. Angelidis, NATO seminar on On design and evaluation of information systems, Athens 1974.
- Synthesis of cutpoint cellular arrays, G. Papakonstantinou, Electronics Letters, Febr. 1973.
- Synthesis of cutpoint cellular arrays with any cell-index set, G. Papakonstantinou, Electronics Letters, Aug. 1973.
- A synthesis method for cutpoint cellular arrays, G. Papakonstantinou, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Dec. 1972.
- Semantic interpretation of English like questions using procedural components, J. Kontos and G. Papakonstantinou, NATO ASI on on-line mechanized information retrieval systems, Lyngby, Denmark, 1972.
- A simulation method for computer control systems, J.Kontos and G.Papakonstantinou, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Jan.1971.
- Σύστημα επιλύσεως προβλημάτων δι'ανθρώπινης γλώσσης, Ι. Κόντος και Γ. Παπακωνσταντίνου, Τεχνικά Χρονικά, Οκτώβριος 1971.
- On-line event following with counter computer, J. Kontos and G.Papakonstantinou, Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Febr. 1970
- A question-answering system using program generation, J. Kontos, G. Papakonstantinou, ACM International Computing Symposium 1970, Bonn, Germany.
- Σύζευξη διπόλων ευρισκομένων εις μικράν απόστασιν αλλήλων, Γ. Παπακωνσταντίνου, Τεχνικά Χρονικά, Απρίλιος 1969.