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Results from CSLab web retrieved at 21:42 (GMT)

Computer Architecture One of the major concerns regarding our group`s research activity in the field of computer architecture is the exploration and evaluation of...
Status Conference/Workshop Submission deadline Notification Presentation Location CLOSED FAST (USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies...
Status Conference/Workshop Submission deadline Notification Presentation Location OPEN SIGMOD (ACM SIGMOD/PODS Conference) October 29,...
Distributed Systems DFS DFS is our proposal for a data storage substrate. In our design, we clearly separate File and Storage resources. The storage management is...
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) Developed and used as the primary storage system of the Hadoop framework, HDFS is capable of handling large files of application...
In this page we present installation instructions for the gredia middleware platform. Specifically, we present instructions for the following components: RDLS, SFC...
Large Scale Data Management The research group deals with the storing, indexing and retrieval of large scale data (in the orders of TB and more). The...
P2P Networks and Distributed Systems Peer to peer networks are distributed systems, where all participating entities both provide and utilize services to/from...
We are interested in balancing load in distributed data structures that support range queries: The keys are stored in the network nodes so that a natural order is...
Parallel Systems The main objective of this activity is to combine the advantages of distributed memory architectures (scalability) and the advantages of the shared...
See also the faster 1
CSLab Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the CSLab web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and...
Statistics for CSLab Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
See also the verbose 1 .
XOROS Data redundancy in DHTs is commonly accomplished through automatic replication of values to a set of close participating nodes. Such copies, once written, should...
Number of topics: 18


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