GREDIA: Grid enabled access to rich media content
GREDIA is an FP6 project funded by the European Union.
Our team, as technical coordinators and Grid technology experts, is developing a a generic middle-ware platform, based on our proposed service-oriented architecture,
RDLS (Rich Data Location Services) , which enables efficient content management in Grid environments. RDLS can be efficiently integrated in existing Grid middlewares, such as
Globus Toolkit 4
, as it complies with WSRF, a standard posed by the
Open Grid Forum
Our design introduces concepts from
Peer-to-Peer and distributed computing in order to provide a scalable and reliable infrastructure for storage, search and retrieval of annotated multimedia content.
To ensure fast searching of media in the distributed repositories of a Virtual Organization, our system incorporates a
multidimensional indexing scheme, which serves the need for supporting both
point and range queries over a set of meta-data attributes.
Finally, multimedia file transfers are conducted using
GridTorrent, a grid-enabled, Peer-to-Peer mechanism that allows the aggregate data transfer throughput to scale and effectively copes with flash crowds.
GridTorrent has backward compatibility with the file transfer utility
, which is adopted by the Grid community.
- A. Asiki, K. Doka, I. Konstantinou, A. Zissimos and N. Koziris, "A Distributed Architecture for Multi-dimensional Indexing and Data Retrieval in Grid Environments," in Proceedings of the Cracow 07 Grid Workshop, Cracow, Poland, October 2007