GridTorrent is an implementation of the popular BitTorrent protocol designed to interface and integrate with well-defined and deployed Data Grid components and protocols (e.g. GridFTP, RLS). Just like BitTorrent, GridTorrent is based on peer-to-peer techniques, that allow clients to download files from multiple sources while uploading them to other users at the same time, rather than obtaining them from a central server. By dividing files into fragments, GridTorrent can combine the best out of the two protocols:
- It exploits BitTorrent's peer and fragment selection , thus providing an optimized data transfer service.
- It takes advantage of the striped version of GridFTP protocol, as it has the ability to directly communicate with GridFTP servers, thus being backwards compatible.
- Athanasia Asiki, Katerina Doka, Ioannis Konstantinou, Antonis Zissimos, and Nectarios Koziris "A Distributed Architecture for Multi-Dimensional Indexing and Data Retrieval in Grid Environments" In Proceedings of the Cracow 2007 Grid Workshop (CGW'07), Krakow, Polland, October 16-17, 2007 [link
- Ioannis Konstantinou, Katerina Doka, Athanasia Asiki, Antonis Zissimos, and Nectarios Koziris "Gredia Middleware Architecture" In Proceedings of the Cracow 2007 Grid Workshop (CGW'07), Krakow, Polland, October 16-17, 2007 [link
- A. Zissimos, K. Doka, A. Chazapis and N. Koziris, "GridTorrent: Optimizing data transfers in the Grid with collaborative sharing," in Proceedings of the 11th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI2007), Patras, Greece, May 2007 [pdf]