I recently completed my PhD dissertation concerning nested loop parallelization on distributed shared memory architectures at the Computing Systems Laboratory (CSLab) of NTUA. This section is dedicated to my research interests and academic stuff, in general.
phd thesis
I cannot imagine how a PhD thesis written in Greek and concerning Methods and Techniques for the Automatic Generation of Parallel Code for Nested Loop Algorithms could be of any use to most visitors of this page, but nevertheless here it is (PDF format, 3.3 MB).
In the Parallel and Distributed Systems Group (PDSG) of CSLab we are particularly interested in Parallel Processing and High Performance Computing. Ocassionally, we come up with original ideas and present them in relevant international refereed conferences and journals. Here are some of our scientific publications, should anyone be interested (ps -- PostScript format, pdf -- PDF format, bib -- BibTex entry, doi -- Digital Object Identifier):
- N. Drosinos and N. Koziris, "Efficient Hybrid Parallelization of Tiled Algorithms on SMP Clusters", accepted for publication in the International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, pp. XX--XX, XX(X), 2007 (pdf, ps, bib, doi)
- G. Goumas, N. Drosinos, V. Karakasis and N. Koziris, "Coarse-grain Parallel Execution for 2-dimensional PDE Problems", Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing (PDSEC-07), pp. 1--8, Long Beach, California, March 2007 (pdf, ps, bib, doi)
- G. Goumas, N. Drosinos, M. Athanasaki and N. Koziris, "Message-Passing Code Generation for Non-rectangular Tiling Transformations", Journal of Parallel Computing, pp. 711--732, 32(10), November 2006 (pdf, ps, bib, doi)
- N. Drosinos, G. Goumas and N. Koziris, "Selecting the Tile Shape to Reduce the Total Communication Volume", Proceedings of the 20th International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2006), pp. 1--10 (CD-ROM), Rhodes, Greece, April 2006 (pdf, ps, bib, doi)
- N. Drosinos and N. Koziris, "The Effect of Process Topology and Load Balancing on Parallel Programming Models for SMP Clusters and Iterative Algorithms", Journal of Supercomputing, pp. 65--91, 35(1), January 2006 (pdf, ps, bib, doi)
- N. Drosinos and N. Koziris, "Load Balancing Hybrid Programming Models for SMP Clusters and Fully Permutable Loops", Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing (ICPP-HPSEC 2005), pp. 113--120, Oslo, Norway, June 2005 (pdf, ps, bib, doi)
- N. Drosinos and N. Koziris, "Performance Comparison of Pure MPI vs Hybrid MPI-OpenMP Parallelization Models on SMP Clusters", Proceedings of the 18th International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2004), p. 15a (CD-ROM), Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 2004 (pdf, ps, bib, doi)
- G. Goumas, N. Drosinos, M. Athanasaki and N.Koziris, "Automatic Parallel Code Generation for Tiled Nested Loops", Proceedings of the 19th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2004), pp. 1412--1419, Nicosia, Cyprus, March 2004 (pdf, ps, bib, doi)
- N. Drosinos and N. Koziris, "Advanced Hybrid MPI/OpenMP Parallelization Paradigms for Nested Loop Algorithms onto Clusters of SMPs", Proceedings of the 10th EuroPVM/MPI conference (EuroPVM/MPI 2003), pp. 203--213, Venice, Italy, September 2003 (pdf, ps, bib, doi)
- N. Drosinos, G. Goumas, M. Athanasaki and N. Koziris, "Delivering High Performance to Parallel Applications Using Advanced Scheduling", Proceedings of the 2003 Parallel Computing conference (ParCo 2003), pp. 233--240, Dresden, Germany, September 2003 (pdf, ps, bib)
- G. Goumas, N. Drosinos, M. Athanasaki and N. Koziris, "Compiling Tiled Iteration Spaces for Clusters", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER 2002), pp. 360--369, Chicago, USA, September 2002 (pdf, ps, bib, doi)
- G. Goumas, N. Drosinos, M. Athanasaki and N. Koziris, "Data Parallel Code Generation for Arbitrarily Tiled Loop Nests", Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA 2002), pp. 610--616, Las Vegas, USA, June 2002 (pdf, ps, bib)
Here are also some presentations relevant to our research interests: