Results from CSLab web retrieved at 13:42 (GMT)

About Grid4All Official Project Homepage Grid4All embraces the vision of a democratic Grid as a ubiquitous utility whereby domestic users, small...
Activities / Projects CSLab is involved in the following research activities: MemBUS gmblock SPMV CSX Stencil Computations Emerging...
Advanced Computer Architecture ...
Computer Architecture One of the major concerns regarding our group`s research activity in the field of computer architecture is the exploration and evaluation of...
Advanced Database Systems ...
Large Scale Data Management Selected papers: `A comparison of approaches to large scale data analysis`, Andrew Pavlo, Erik Paulson, Alexander Rasin, Daniel J...
Bibliography Portal This portal aspires to provide a list of publications related to the group`s research interests. It is mainly for internal use (phd students...
Transactional Memory Bibliography Portal This portal maintains a collection of bibliography on Transactional Memories. A more extensive publication list can be found...
This portal provides links to various research papers on simultaneous multithreading. A more extensive (yet outdated) paper list can be found here: Multithreading...
Selected Publications Kaushik Kumar Ram and Jose Renato Santos and Yoshio Turner and Alan L. Cox and Scott Rixner. Achieving 10 Gb/s using safe and transparent...
The Brown Dwarf is a distributed system designed to efficiently store, query and update multidimensional data over a Peer to Peer overlay. It manages to distribute...
Caches for Chip Multiprocessor Architectures (CMPs) Today, there is a trend to increase the number of processors on a single chip leading to the development of...
Status Conference/Workshop Submission deadline Notification Presentation Location CLOSED FAST (USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies...
Courses CSLab offers the following courses : Computer Architecture Advanced Computer Architecture Operating Systems Advanced Database Systems
Status Conference/Workshop Submission deadline Notification Presentation Location OPEN SIGMOD (ACM SIGMOD/PODS Conference) October 29,...
PDSG People Academic Staff Research Staff PhD Students Koziris Goumas Nikas Sotiropoulos Tsoumakos Anastopoulos...
The Compressed Sparse eXtended (CSX) format for sparse matrices is a sparse matrix format that seeks to minimize the memory footprint of the column index array of...
Various Cell BE Links General microprocessor 2.ars http://arstechnica...
Computer Architecture ...
DFS Architecture The DFS layer is a network of significant peers that possess file hierarchies (or namespaces), file data and raw storage, and share them according...
DFS is our proposal for a data storage substrate. In our design, we clearly separate File and Storage resources. The storage management is provided by the Virtual...
Distributed Systems DFS DFS is our proposal for a data storage substrate. In our design, we clearly separate File and Storage resources. The storage management is...
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) Developed and used as the primary storage system of the Hadoop framework, HDFS is capable of handling large files of application...
Distributed Processing Frameworks Large scale data management achieved by the distributed cooperation of computational and storage resources is a challenging task...
Emerging Architectures Until recently, microprocessor manufacturers have been seeking ways to continuously increase the clock frequency of their processors by using...
GREDIA: Grid enabled access to rich media content Overview GREDIA is an FP6 project funded by the European Union. Our team, as technical...
Grid Computing Grids enable the sharing, selection, and aggregation of a wide variety of geographically distributed computational resources (such as supercomputers...
gmblock Clusters built out of commodity components are becoming more and more prevalent in the supercomputing sector as a cost effective solution for building high...
In this page we present installation instructions for the gredia middleware platform. Specifically, we present instructions for the following components: RDLS, SFC...
VOFS (DFS): Federative, disconnected, peer to peer filesystem for Grid4All Overview Grid4All is an FP6 project funded by the European Union. The main objective of...
GridNEWS: A distributed Grid platform for efficient storage, annotating, indexing and searching of large audiovisual news content Overview...
GridTorrent GridTorrent is an implementation of the popular BitTorrent protocol designed to interface and integrate with well defined and deployed Data Grid components...
High Performance Computing The main objective of our group in this research area is to optimize critical software (mainly computationally or memory intensive applications...
High Performance Systems and Interconnects Recent advances in interconnection technologies have made clustered systems built out of commodity components an attractive...
Concept hierarchies greatly help in the organization and reuse of information. Multidimensional, hierarchy organized data are widely used in a variety of applications...
Instruction Scheduling Related Work Links related to instruction scheduling: `Parallelizing nonnumerical code with selective scheduling and software pipelining...
Large Scale Data Management The research group deals with the storing, indexing and retrieval of large scale data (in the orders of TB and more). The...
The Memory Bandwidth aware Userspace Scheduler (MemBUS) Symmetric Multiprocessor (SMPs) are commonly used as the building blocks for scalable clustered systems. Often...
Multicore Systems This portal provides links to documentation about various multicore architectures. A more informative page is the Multiprocessor Watch Wiki maintained...
Multilog is a filesystem structure representing a shared document where all participants in the sharing write their own log of updates to the documents and read updates...
Generic Multilog Toolkit. Read Grid4All to get some context. Download the first (alpha) version of the toolkit. The generic multilog toolkit implements a filesystem...
MyriXen Current cloud computing research is focused on providing a scalable, on demand, clustered computing environment. One of the major challenges in this field...
NoSQL Systems The increasing data volume that needs to be stored, indexed and queried for every organization (such as e mail and web logs, historical data, click streams...
Operating Systems ...
P2P Networks and Distributed Systems Peer to peer networks are distributed systems, where all participating entities both provide and utilize services to/from...
We are interested in balancing load in distributed data structures that support range queries: The keys are stored in the network nodes so that a natural order is...
Parallel Systems The main objective of this activity is to combine the advantages of distributed memory architectures (scalability) and the advantages of the shared...
Research Areas CSLab`s research interests lie in the following areas : Computer Architecture Grid Computing High Performance Computing High Performance...
SMT processors Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT) is a hardware technique that allows a conventional superscalar processor to issue instructions from multiple hardware...
For our more recent work on the Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication check: CSX. Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication (SPMV) is...
Speculative Multithreading and TM Speculative Mutltihreading and TM are two programming models that have been proposed in the literature in the last few years. In...
Stencil Computations The main objective of this activity is to optimize stencil computations for Cluster platforms with commodity (e.g. Gbit Ethernet) or sophisticated...
Είμαστε το το το Ναυτικό κο κο... ArisSotiropoulos 23 Feb 2010
Transactional Memory (TM) Transactional Memory (TM) is a novel programming model for multicore architectures that allows concurrency control over multiple threads...
Virtualization Intro Virtualization is the art of subdividing resources provided by modern computers in order to achieve maximum performance, isolated execution,...
TWiki`s CSLab web The 1 web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise.
Research Research Areas Activities/Projects Bibliography Portal Courses Computer Architecture Advanced Computer Architecture Operating Systems...
PDSG Research Here is the new website presenting CSLab research. Parallel, High Performance Systems We are interested in how advances in technology and architecture...
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CSLab Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the CSLab web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and...
/CSLab The 1 web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise.
Statistics for CSLab Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
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XOROS Data redundancy in DHTs is commonly accomplished through automatic replication of values to a set of close participating nodes. Such copies, once written, should...
GeorgiosGoumas 19 Jan 2011
Number of topics: 75

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